Exploring useEffectEvent

31. March, 2024 3 min read Teach

Enhancing Side Effect Management

React's ecosystem constantly adapts, introducing tools that refine development processes. Among the latest additions, useEffectEvent emerges as a specialized hook designed to streamline event-driven side effects.

It works alongside the traditional useEffect hook, enabling developers to segregate event handlers from reactive logic within effects, thus enhancing code maintainability and readability. React has great documentation about separating events from effects.

The Rationale Behind useEffectEvent

In complex applications, certain side effects are initiated by events rather than the component’s render cycle or state changes. Before useEffectEvent, managing such effects took time, often leading to convoluted patterns that intertwined event handling with reactive effect logic. The new hook simplifies this by allowing effects to behave more like event handlers, focusing on execution in response to specific events while maintaining access to the latest props and state.

Practical Application of useEffectEvent

Consider a chat room application where a notification needs to be shown upon successfully connecting to a room. Utilising useEffectEvent, the notification logic can be encapsulated within an effect event, cleanly separating it from the effect responsible for managing the connection:

import { useEffect, useEffectEvent } from 'react';

function ChatRoom({ roomId, theme }) {
  const onConnected = useEffectEvent(() => {
    showNotification('Connected!', theme);

  useEffect(() => {
    const connection = createConnection(serverUrl, roomId);
    connection.on('connected', () => {
    return () => connection.disconnect();
  }, [roomId]);

In this implementation, onConnected is defined as an effect event using useEffectEvent. This setup clarifies that onConnected is not reactive and should not be included in the dependency array of useEffect, resolving a common pitfall of including functions in effect dependencies.

When to Use useEffectEvent vs. useEffect

  • useEffect is suited for handling side effects that depend on component lifecycle events, such as component mount, update, or state and prop changes. It remains the backbone for managing side effects in functional components.
  • useEffectEvent shines in scenarios where specific, non-lifecycle events, like web socket messages, user actions, or subscriptions, trigger the side effect. It offers a more organized approach to binding and handling these events without entangling them with the component’s reactive logic.

Beyond simplifying event-driven side effects, useEffectEvent can be leveraged in more complex scenarios involving multiple event listeners or dynamic event handling. The key is maintaining a clear separation between reactive and event-driven effects, ensuring that each case is focused on a singular purpose or event type.

Moreover, the hook encourages a modular approach to designing effects, promoting reuse and testability. Developers are advised to keep effect events small and focused, facilitating easier debugging and maintenance.


The new hook significantly advances React’s side effect management, providing a more intuitive and declarative approach to handling event-driven side effects. Separating the concerns of reactive effects and event handlers simplifies code and enhances performance by reducing unnecessary re-renders and dependency management complexities.

‘Till next time!